College of Pharmacy, a constituent college of Gulf Medical University organized a Seminar on Pharmacy in the 21st Century – Learning Practice and Technology on the 19th of December 2009 at GMU Campus in Ajman from 9.00 am to 2.00 pm. The conference was inaugurated by the Provost of the university Prof. Gita Ashok Raj. Earlier the delegates were welcomed by Dr. Arun Shirwaikar, Dean College of Pharmacy, GMU. – News Link
Abu Dhabi Gets Strict on Adverse Drug Reactions
Dr. Mohamed Abuelkhair, Advisor, Drugs & Medical Products, Health Authority of Abu Dhabi talked about Pharmacovigilance. He said that the Health care providers to develop organizational policies and procedures for tracking, identifying, documenting, and reporting Medication Errors. Health care Professionals should adopt the NCC MERP Medication Error severity categorization to document and Report ME. He said that currently 84 countries are Full members and 24 countries as Associate members of the WHO Programme for International Drug Monitoring. Dr Elkhair highlighted the importance of the role of healthcare professionals to report on adverse reactions and medication errors to the health authorities in the country to avoid possible serious adverse implications.

Dr. Maryam Galadari, Pharmacy Division Chairperson, Emirates Medical Association spoke about Pharmacy Law in UAE. She emphasized on the new rules being implemented by the authorities for pharmacists and pharmacies. She said the UAE Laws regarding pharmacies is similar to that in other Arab countries.
Dr. Alaa El-Dein El-Gindy, Manager, Quality Control, Julphar Gulf Pharmaceutical Industries spoke about Pharmaceutical Technologies and highlighted on the quality control measures in Pharma industry.

Problem Based Learning in Pharmacy Education was discussed by Dr. Nehad Mahdi, Associate Professor, College of Pharmacy – GMU. She said that PBL fosters the development of self directed learning strategies and make it easier for students to retain knowledge, apply knowledge and find solution strategies to new and unfamiliar situations.
About 75 doctors and pharmacists participated in this seminar.
The seminar was accredited by the Ministry of Health for 5.5 CME Hrs.